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sexta-feira, março 16, 2007

American Hi-Fi

The Art of Losing [2003]

1. The Art Of Losing
2. The Breakup Song
3. Beautiful Disaster
4. Save Me
5. Nothing Left To Lose
6. Teenage Alien Nation
7. Rise
8. This Is The Sound
9. The Gold Rush
10. Built For Speed
11. Happy


American Hi-Fi [ 2001]
1. Surround 2. Flavor Of The Weak
3. A Bigger Mood
4. Safer On The Outside
5. I'm A Fool
6. Hi-Fi Killer
7. Blue Day
8. My Only Enemy
9. Don't Wait For The Sun
10. Another Perfect Day
11. Scar
12. What About Today
13. Wall Of Sound->


Ouvindo: Don Drummond - Corner Stone - "Jazz Ska Attack 1964"


Anonymous Anônimo said...

can you put agian the link to download.I´m so interested in this album.
Best Regards

8:48 PM


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